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You will find the following on this page:


  • Today's agenda with links to resources

  • Homework due with links to resources





You will have homework every week.  It will nearly always take 1-2 hours, but it may be much

faster.  Every week homework will also include:


  1. Reflect and write a blog  post about it

  2. Add comments to your classmates blogs

  3. Perform well in your internship and work on your end-of-course presentation










  • Submit any remaining hours prior to August 20

  • If you have not yet, acquire your Letter of Rec and upload to your site





  • Time reporting

  • Explore and discover: Passion and Purpose

  • Presentation practice and work time

  • Supervisor Midterm Feedback Analysis

  • Explore and discover: Biology- AQ Assessment


WEEK 5 HOMEWORK - Due at the start of class during Week 6


  • Weekly budget

  • Finish presentation

  • Finish portfolio

  • Blog #5

  • Bring a Thank You note for Intern Host

  • Remember to dress well and bring a snack to share (optional) for last class





  • Time reporting: Submit your hours, turn in your timesheets (and agreements) 

  • Goals from Homework --> Waybook

  • Presentation Overview and Work Time

  • LinkedIn Profile Set-up

  • Finance, Part 2


WEEK 4 HOMEWORK - Due at the start of class during Week 5


  • Supervisor evaluataion

  • Draft presentation (nearly complete!)

  • Letter of Recommendation: Identify who you will ask, discuss this with him/her

  • Take photos of your internship

  • Blog #4 - Completed in preparation for Week 5 

    Think about the lifestyle you want in 10-15 years… Use the worksheet on the back of your agenda or download from HERE to create a sample budget of expenses, using the “rationale” column to explain why the amount you came up with is logical.  Research your desired career for a concrete salary you expect to earn (site your source!).  Compare that to the amount you plan to earn in your future job (and investments) and the amount you want to save for unforeseen events and for retirement.  Write about how well your budget balances out (your income being able to cover your expenses) and what it makes you think about your financial future.


    You may use this template (copy and paste it, then fill in the blanks) to write your blog:

  • The total of my future expenses each year are ____.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are _____.

  • According to ____ I can likely count on making $____ each year in my future job as a _______.  My education/training to get that job will cost $____ total for all years of training.

  • I want to save $___ for my rainy day fund each year, and $___ for retirement each year.  If I save $___ for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $___ plus interest.

  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think….







Essential Questions

  • How can I be a competitive job applicant?

  • What other strengths do I have and how can I use them?




  • Time reporting: Submit your hours, turn in your timesheets (and agreements) 

  • How to print to PDF, and how to attach a file to a DISCOVERY in your Waybook

  • EXPLORATION and DISCOVERY : VIA Strengths Survey

  • Sample Job Application

  • Send email to your Supervisor regarding your mid-term evaluation


  • Vision and Purpose: Simon Sinek on "The Why" and Purpose

  • Finance Lesson #1

  • Close Out

  • Exit Survey and midterm self-evaluation LINK HERE




WEEK 3 HOMEWORK - Due at the start of class during Week 4


  • Values Survey if you did not do it last week, find it on your Waybook HERE

  • Goals brainstorm - Download here if you want to type it

  • SUPERVISOR EVALUATION 1 - You want at least two sets of feedback from your supervisor.  Your second set of feedback will be due the last day of class. Give them THIS LINK (match the case)

  • Week 3 BLOG TOPIC:  Blog Post due 2 days prior to class. Responses to 2 posts due by classtime next week.  Think about what you want to be doing after high school…

    • Option 1: If you want to go to college, think about the major(s) you likely will want to have.  Research at least 3 jobs common to people who have had that major.  Include one job you don’t know much about yet.  Write about the following for each of the 3 jobs

      • What is the average pay? (is this before or after taxes?)

      • How does the salary differ according to different geographic locations?

      • How much education does it require?

      • What are personalities like for people that have these jobs?

    • Option 2: If you aren’t planning to go to college, write about what the type of work you want to be doing in ten years.  Describe the training that you would find helpful.  Write about the type of lifestyle you want in 10 years (where do you want to live? How do you want to spend your spare time? Who do you want to be spending time with? What kind of money do you want to be making?).  Write also about what you want to be doing in 15 years.

    • Option 3: If you don’t know if you want to go to college or not, write about what you think you might want to be doing in your future and where you might want to live.  Write also about the experiences you want to have to help you decide what you want to do.  Do you need to live in other countries? Do you need to do some service? Do you need to interview people?

  • Blog Comments!




Essential Questions

  • What do I want to accomplish this summer in my internship?

  • What do I want to get out of this class?

  • How do my values and strengths support or stand in the way of my goals?

  • How can I make decisions about to personal finances?

  • What goals do I want to set, what habits do I want to build/change, what allies do I want to leverage?


  1. Do Now: Time Reporting

  2. Welcome: Agenda and Objective overview

  3. Goals in Waybook

  4. Intro to Blogs

  5. Blog #1 Entry

  6. Intro to Resume

  7. Resume template and writing

  8. Intro to Cover Letters

  9. Cover letter template and writing

  10. Job applications

  11. Intro to End of Course Presentation

  12. Informational interviews

  13. Wrap up and Homework for next week: Review Waybook, where to find Values test, How to start discovery

  14. Exit survey here


Blog #1: From your Week 1 in-class activity of writing Goals, Habits, and Allies for now and in the future, type out your list of each of these.


WEEK 2 HOMEWORK - Due at the start of class during Week 3


  1. Blog #2 (see below) on Blogger

  2. Blog comments on 2 of your classmate's blogs

  3. Keep track of your blogs and comments! (ATTENTION: see bottom of this tracking sheet - keep track of the links to the entries and comments)

  4. Exploration: Values test

  5. Discovery: Reflect on your values test results


Blog #2:  Blog Post Due by Friday 5pm. Responses to 2 posts due by classtime next week.

Describe TWO EXAMPLES of how you used the Work Readiness Skills in your internship in a positive way, or in a way that supported success.  Describe the situation and what you learned.  Describe 1-2 examples of how your Work Readiness Skill weakness/area of growth held you back, or caused you to have to work harder.





Essential Questions

  • How do my current habits support or stand in the way of my goals?

  • What do I think about my team of allies?

  • What goals do I have for this coming year?

  • How does my personality impact my future decisions?

  • What goals do I want to set, what habits do I want to build/change, what allies do I want to leverage?



  1. Welcome: Agenda and Objective overview, Site overview, Folders + Name plates

  2. Registration *Start on the Student info survey as soon as you complete registration

  3. Student info survey - Click on THIS LINK 

  4. RSB Rockstar

  5. Course overview

  6. Tools overview: Google Sheets and docs, Blogger, Google Sites, Waybook

  7. Jigsaw: What does it mean to be Career Ready?  What does it not mean?

  8. Career Readiness: Intern self-evaluation

  9. Elements of Waybook, discussing habits, goals, and allies

  10. OCEAN 5 : Explore elements of the Big 5.  Read notes from Wikipedia

  11. Register on Way, Your first Exploration

  12. Your first Discovery

  13. Logistics



WEEK 1 HOMEWORK - Due at the start of class during Week 2


  1. Set up a Google (or Gmail) account if you don't have one

  2. Find one example of a resume you want to emulate.  Bring a printed copy to class and save a soft-copy in your email or on Google Drive.

  3. If you have a resume, bring a printed copy to class and save a soft copy in your email or on Google Drive.

  4. Week 1 Blog Topic (post due by classtime next week): Where are you now? What goals do you have for the upcoming school year? Who are your most important allies to reach your goals? What habits do you have, and do you need to build, in order to reach your goals?

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