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To support your easy interactions with future employers we are using both your ePortfolio and a tool used by professionals all over, a website called LinkedIn.



Getting Started with your LinkedIn Profile


We will watch two videos on getting started from THIS site.  Video #1 explains LinkedIn and its purpose and Video #2  tells you the top 5 things to start with We are going to focus on 3 (education), 4 (experience), and 5 (recommendations).  Videos listed on the YouTube video pages have tons of advice you can use to help you improve your profile.

This is Video #1 in Spanish

You can find the YouTube channel for LinkedIn HERE with their official videos including inspiring videos to make you think.


A checklist from LinkedIn that explains all the sections of the profile can be downloaded HERE  or viewed HERE 



In the "Education Section" add this class as a summer program "Summer Career Academy".  

Earned a Work Readiness Certification by completing a six-week course offered via the Marin County Office of Education while completing a summer internship.  Explain the key things you learned including hard skills (like building a Google Site, using Blogger to collaborate with fellow students, learning to use Google Drive, budgeting and personal financial planning), soft skills (include any of the top ten work readiness skills you worked on), and the reflection you engaged with because of the Waybook (learning about your strengths, your values, personality types) and how that informs decisions you make about your future career.


Honors and Awards

Add "Work Readiness Certification" and list the top ten skills - list can be found HERE, especially ones that you focused on for your own development.


Creating connections

This is a great article from The Muse (which also has other great tools and resources for career development) on 4 Tips for Reaching Out to Someone You Admire on LinkedIn so that you can learn to effectively create new connections.  It also includes template examples of how to write an email or LinkedIn message.  If the link doesn't work, you can find it HERE on Google Docs


Need more advice for working on your LinkedIn Profile?


From the official LinkedIn Blog, HERE you can read one author's advice on his  5 top tips for high school students interested in learning how to use LinkedIn.  If you can find it, see it posted HERE on Google Docs.  Pay attention to #s 3, 4, 5 the most.


A conversation on Quora HERE answering this question: What are some tips for a young college or high school student to best utilize LinkedIn?  If you do not have a Quora account, you can see it posted on Google Docs HERE


Thinking about your online reputation and how to manage it?

 A good resource for you and your parents is HERE on the Online Reputation Management website, this is for High Schoolers specifically.  Posted to Google Docs HERE



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