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You will blog each week beginning with next week.  You will be assigned to a career field specific blog so that you will engage with students having similar learning experiences.  By the end of Week 1, for most of you, you will receive an invitation to be an author on one of the blogs.  We will use Blogger as the platform.



Scroll down for the assignments of blog prompts



Your BLOG Group


Use this link to find your blog group





Required for full-credit:


  1. One new post each week

  2. One comment on a classmate's post within your own blog.

  3. One comment on a classmate's post in a different group.


  • Stay positive and constructive

  • Consider asking questions

  • Consider making connections between your experiences

  • Consider sharing something you have learned that might benefit others

BLOGS: Humanities



Link here

Includes Child Camps and Child Care



Link here

Includes various aspects of business like insurance, human resources, and marketing.  Along with law, food service, safety, and fire service and other protection



Link here

Includes all aspects of media, retail included because both topics reach toward people to influence their behavior.


BLOGS: Sciences



Link here

Includes all engineering and computer science and I.T. and all sciences.




Link here

Includes all health and fitness





Anchor 1

List of Blog Prompts

Blog Posts due 2 days prior to class. Responses to 2 posts due by classtime.


Blog #1 - Completed in class, during Week 2

From your Week 1 in-class activity of writing Goals, Habits, and Allies for now and in the future, type out your list of each of these.



Blog #2 - Completed as homework in preparation for Week 3

Describe TWO EXAMPLES of how you used the Work Readiness Skills in your internship in a positive way, or in a way that supported success.  Describe the situation and what you learned.  Describe 1-2 examples of how your Work Readiness Skill weakness/area of growth held you back, or caused you to have to work harder.  You can use this template.



Blog #3 - Completed as homework in preparation for Week 4

Think about what you want to be doing after high school…

  • Option 1: If you want to go to college, think about the major(s) you likely will want to have.  Research at least 3 jobs common to people who have had that major.  Include one job you don’t know much about yet.  Write about the following for each of the 3 jobs

    • What is the average pay? (is this before or after taxes?)

    • How does the salary differ according to different geographic locations?

    • How much education does it require?

    • What are personalities like for people that have these jobs?

  • Option 2: If you aren’t planning to go to college, write about what the type of work you want to be doing in ten years.  Describe the training that you would find helpful.  Write about the type of lifestyle you want in 10 years (where do you want to live? How do you want to spend your spare time? Who do you want to be spending time with? What kind of money do you want to be making?).  Write also about what you want to be doing in 15 years.

  • Option 3: If you don’t know if you want to go to college or not, write about what you think you might want to be doing in your future and where you might want to live.  Write also about the experiences you want to have to help you decide what you want to do.  Do you need to live in other countries? Do you need to do some service? Do you need to interview people?



Blog #4 - Completed in preparation for Week 5 

Think about the lifestyle you want in 10-15 years… Use the worksheet on the back of your agenda or download from HEREto create a sample budget of expenses, using the “rationale” column to explain why the amount you came up with is logical.  Research your desired career for a concrete salary you expect to earn (site your source!).  Compare that to the amount you plan to earn in your future job (and investments) and the amount you want to save for unforeseen events and for retirement.  Write about how well your budget balances out (your income being able to cover your expenses) and what it makes you think about your financial future.


You may use this template (copy and paste it, then fill in the blanks) to write your blog:

  • The total of my future expenses each year are ____.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are _____.

  • According to ____ I can likely count on making $____ each year in my future job as a _______.  My education/training to get that job will cost $____ total for all years of training.

  • I want to save $___ for my rainy day fund each year, and $___ for retirement each year.  If I save $___ for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $___ plus interest.

  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think….



Blog #5 - Completed in preparation for our LAST WEEK! 

What are you grateful for?  What experiences this summer are you grateful for?  Discuss at least one thing from CLASS and one thing from your INTERNSHIP.   Think about what might be different as a result of how you spent the last 5 weeks, and express gratitude for it.  

  • What did you learn about yourself?

    • We used Waybook to learn about your Strengths, Values, Personality, Biology, and Passion

    • We discussed how values impact financial decisions

    • We analyzed your current Career Readiness Skills and how they grew or were holding you back

  • How did reflecting on what you learned (the Discoveries) make you think differently about yourself?  

    • Feel free to reference your Discoveries in your Waybook

  • Consider lessons you were able to learn in both technical skill or people skills. 

    • Technical examples: using Google Sites, learning Google Drive, collaboring using Blogger, anything from your internship

    • People skills: most of the Career Readiness Skills fit here, but think about how they relate to your internship work

  • Consider the opportunities you were given this summer and how lucky you are compared to many other students around the country and around the world.  

  • Feel free to reference the list of career readiness skills HERE





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